
Thursday 10 August 2017

Dr Seuss

To celebrate the author Dr Seuss, we had a character day at school.The teachers and children dressed up and at the start of the day we had a parade across to the Day care and up to the shops in Ohaeawai and back to school. After interval all the students were put into groups and they went to different classes to work with their group on tasks relating to Dr Seuss books. They had a fun day working with different students .

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Digital Roadshow

I attended a Core Education Digital roadshow held in Whangarei . It was well organised and the keynote speakers were very passionate about their presentations. The core facilitators had very interesting sessions with lots of opportunities to work collaboratively with others as well as have time to play and investigate a variety of gaming and game based learning,coding and robotics. The world that the children we teach are going to be living in has endless possibilities. It is our job to make sure that we give them every opportunity to be what ever they want to be.

 Today in my class I tried to show the children what I learnt at the roadshow. I was showing them how we can learn about programming without using a computer. Some children could see how to do it. They all liked trying to give the instructions to the robot person. We used arm actions and cards with the action on them to work out what the robot person needed to do.

The app called Scratch Jr  was something that I think teachers in the junior classes could integrate into their writing and reading as the example below shows.I will be blogging what I do with it in my class soon.These two slides were taken from the Digital roadshow session I attended.